What we offer you

What makes us unique is our commitment to your (company’s) journey. In order to find your heartbeat we leave no stone unturned. We are experts in addressing the elephants in the room in order to make people responsible for maximizing their own potential.  We provide the safe environment to uncover your talents in order to grow as a person or team. Together we create the unique mix of elements to get you your required outcome and reach the desired goals and results. 

We strongly believe in the elements of nature as our natural teachers. The environment we find ourselves in significantly impacts our emotions and reactions. Being in nature allows individuals to experience a sense of freedom, encouraging them to explore and approach situations from various perspectives. Nature is magic and plays a crucial role in our offerings. She mirrors the magic in you, your team or your company. 

We deliver:

Insight – We provide insight in your system. We show why it functions the way it does by identifying the underlying beliefs and values. We question their validity and pinpoint the ones that hinder the desired performance. We make sure everyone is aware that they are part of the system and understand their shared responsibility for its effective performance.

Connection – Connection to yourself, your team and the goals and dreams of the organisation. We make sure everyone is in the right position, working in alignment with each other and their collective goal.

Movement – ‘Why we CAN’ as (part of) the culture. Release the potential and let’s flow! One team, One mission, One voice in action.

Anchoring – We believe that the most successful way to bring change is by learning through feeling. Our unique tools bring out the best experience to anchor a lasting change. Get ready to uncover your DNA and that of your company.

We take you on your journey by designing and facilitating unique programs that are tailored to what is needed to get to your desired results. Our programs range from half-a-day workshops to multiple day programs.

Examples of our offerings are:

  • Corporate Vision Quest: (Re) Ignite your dream. Join us on an amazing journey and feel and see what is possible if you allow yourself to dream of the impact your organisation can make on this world. Light the collective inner fire that will empower you to to manifest your reality.
  • Team Quest: (Re) Ignite your dream, what do you want to accomplish as a team. Energize your people and align towards the collective goal.
  • Team coaching: Discover the Magic in your people, connect and flow in order to become a High Performing team where people take ownership and bring their A-game.
  • Individual coaching: Shine on your stage and be who you can be.
  • Focus Workshop: Fun, focused and full of energy: High-impact, single day workshop to focus, re-align and get the result you wish for.
  • Change programs. Change is a journey, we will be your guides. Our expertise, experience and energy is to your disposal to get to your desired destination.
  • Personal Development programs: Challenge yourself to be the professional you are and discover how to make maximum impact.
  • Firewalk Workshops for individuals. Because we love firewalking so much and want to share this with the world we organise open firewalks for individuals. Have a look at the upcoming dates in our calendar.

Our offerings are tailored to your needs, and so is our location. We offer both the possibility to come to one of our locations (Wadenoijen, NL or Balk, NL) or host a program or workshop at a location of your choice.