
In our programs and workshops, we use several empowerment tools that use the power of experience and that of nature to help you creating lasting change. You can always relive these experiences by reconnecting to them in your mind and body. These tools include:


Firewalking is an extremely powerful experience that brings you the inner knowledge that you can choose any path in life without fear. It is a ritual rooted in various cultures and spiritual practices worldwide that has been around for thousands of years, simply because it works. The experience of being able to walk across a bed of burning coals brings you focus, transformation and renewed energy to reach your goals. Whether for personal growth or as a team, walking through fire is an extremely effective way of reinforcing your goals.

Arrow Break

Arrow breaking is the most effective tool to break down mental barriers. Supported by the energy of the group, you snap a real arrow between an arrow board and your throat in order to break through personal limitations and obstacles. Doing so brings you a boost in self-confidence as well as renewed focus and possibilities.

Rebar Bend

Rebar bending is an exercise in trust and building resonance with your partner. Focus and synchronicity are the only way to successfully bend a piece of steel normally used to reinforce concrete. This is an experience in the value of trust and team work. Rebar bending requires teams of two. 

Glass walk

The glasswalk is the ultimate tool to bring you to your true center in the present moment. Every step in this bed of sharp glass requires your full focus and intent. No fears from the past or the future are allowed to bring you out of balance. Feeling that you are capable of only experiencing the moment and overcoming your anxiety brings out a joy and gratitude that empowers you for life.


With our breath, we influence our body. We use breathworking techniques as grounding excercises in our workshops. Being aligned and grounded allows you to feel the changes needed to get the results you want out of life and uncover you inner strength. When showing this to the world, people see you in your full potential. There is no way around you.

Guided meditations

Let us guide you to unchartered parts of your psyche, uncovering hidden truths. Guided meditation is a mindfulness practice led by an instructor, either in person or through recorded audio. We use this practice to reduce stress, enhance relaxation, promote self-awareness and to connect you with the wisdom inside yourself.


Using the power of the drum, we take you on a journey to places where all questions can be asked and answered. Journeying is an ancient practice rooted in indigenous traditions worldwide. Participants enter an altered state of consciousness and embark on inner journeys to access knowledge hidden in their unconscious mind. These journeys provide guidance and offer you new ways of unlocking insights that are useful for personal growth as well as in daily business.